Laboratory Services Provided by ARL
Profile I - Laboratory Mineral Assay
This profile represents the basic Multi-Element Laboratory Assay reporting the patient test results for macro and micro minerals, toxic metals and significant ratios. A chart is provided that identifies the patient/client information and graphically illustrates the test results. There is no interpretation provided with this profile.

Profile II - Laboratory Mineral Assay and Comprehensive Interpretation
This profile includes the complete Multi-Element Laboratory Assay provided in Profile I, plus a thorough interpretation that reviews significant mineral levels and ratios and provides pertinent information related to the patient's metabolic rate, energy levels, autonomic balance, basic dietary guidelines and a complete dietary supplement program designed to assist in balancing body chemistry.
Profile III - Laboratory Mineral Assay and Supplement Recommendations
This profile includes the complete Multi-Element Laboratory Assay provided in Profile I, plus a complete dietary supplement program designed to assist in balancing body chemistry.
Profile IV- Laboratory Mineral Assay and Progress/Comparison Interpretation
This profile includes the complete Multi-Element Laboratory Assay provided in Profile I, plus a thorough 12-15 page interpretation that evaluates any significant changes in the patient's biochemistry. A detailed comparison of current mineral levels and ratios with previous test results, modifications to the dietary supplement program.
Profile V - Personalized Transition Dietary Plan
This profile provides a personalized transition dietary plan based entirely upon the results of your hair tissue mineral analysis. This 22-25 page report includes three complete transition diets, menu plans and a wealth of information covering food preparation, eating habits, modifying one's habits, cooking, shopping and other valuable information. This profile may be ordered as an addition to any of the other profiles.