Asthma is a constriction of the bronchial tubes that causes wheezing and difficulty in breathing. Often there is excessive mucus that is hard to expel that adds to breathing difficulty. Asthma can be chronic or acute. Severe attacks can be fatal.
Asthma is often associated with allergic reactions. However, many cases are not easily explained. Hair analysis research can often provide insight into the causes and correction of asthmatic symptoms.
Asthma In Slow Oxidizers
The treatment for severe asthma attacks is to administer cortisone or adrenalin. These are adrenal hormones that have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. They cause the bronchial tubes to dilate which stops an asthma attack.
Slow oxidizers have chronically low adrenal gland activity. This is reflected on their hair analyses by low levels of sodium and potassium in relation to calcium and magnesium levels.
Slow oxidizers tend to have insufficient adrenal hormones. This can contribute to asthma symptoms. Slow oxidizers also tend to have low hydrochloric acid in their stomachs and impaired digestion in general. This may contribute to allergic reactions to foods that trigger asthma attacks.
Slow oxidizers with asthma benefit from nutrients that help restore adrenal gland activity. These include B-complex vitamins, manganese, zinc, vitamins C and A and adrenal glandular substance.
Fast Oxidation And Asthma
Fast oxidizers also develop asthmatic symptoms. Often the attacks are acute and severe. Fast oxidizers have very active adrenal glands. Their problem is a lack of adrenal reserves. If a fast oxidizer comes under stress, the additional adrenal hormones needed to diffuse a stress reaction may not be available.
Fast oxidizers may also have asthma attacks due to increased cell permeability. They have low hair calcium and magnesium levels in relation to the sodium and potassium levels. Low levels of calcium and magnesium increase cell permeability. A foreign substance or allergen may enter their blood circulation more easily, triggering a reaction.
Calcium and particularly magnesium are helpful for fast oxidizers with asthma. In fact, they often help both oxidation types. Magnesium has a calming and relaxing effect upon the nervous system and upon bronchial musculature.
Supplemental copper helps raise calcium levels in the fast oxidizer. In addition to calcium, magnesium and copper, bioflavonoids may be helpful for asthmatics, particularly fast oxidizers. Bioflavonoids help strengthen capillary walls and reduce capillary permeability.
The Sodium-To-Potassium Ratio
The sodium/potassium ratio may be low in asthmatics. This is most often seen in fast oxidizers, but may occur with either oxidation type. A low ratio of sodium to potassium is an indicator of adrenal exhaustion and of excessive tissue catabolism. Often it indicates an increased need for magnesium as well.
Balancing the sodium/potassium ratio through a nutrition program often helps reduce asthmatic symptoms. Nutrients that help balance the sodium/potassium ratio include copper, manganese, chromium and vitamins C, E and B6. Adrenal glandular substance may also be helpful.
Toxic Metals And Asthma
Toxic metals can play a role in asthma. Cadmium may interfere with zinc metabolism that in turn affects the activity of the adrenal glands. Lead and cadmium can interfere with calcium metabolism.
A copper imbalance is common in asthmatic patients. Copper interferes with immune system responses and can affect thyroid and adrenal activity as well. Copper also destroys vitamin C, an important vitamin required for adrenal gland activity. Eliminating toxic metals may be helpful for controlling asthmatic symptoms.
Foods And Asthma
Food reactions may contribute to asthmatic conditions. A food to which one is sensitive causes an added stress that may be enough to trigger an asthma attack. Common food sensitivities are to milk products, sugar, wheat, yeast, eggs and soy. Thousands of chemical additives used in most processed foods may also cause reactions.
Switching to a natural food diet, experimenting with a rotation diet and food allergy testing if needed may help relieve asthmatic symptoms.
Asthma Medication
We do not recommend suddenly discontinuing asthma medication when beginning a nutritional balancing program. Cortisone-based medications in particular are best reduced slowly.
Some asthmatics respond very quickly to nutritional methods. Others take more time to rebuild their adrenal glands, balance their minerals and eliminate toxic metals.
Other Help For Asthma
A nutritional program based on trace mineral analysis is a good place to start correction of asthma symptoms. For severe cases, it may help to modify the program to include extra adrenal glandular, extra vitamins A and C and extra calcium and magnesium supplements. Bee pollen, green drinks high in magnesium and herbs such as stinging nettle sometimes help symptoms as well.
Eliminating other stress factors such as sensitive foods and polluted air or water, may be important. Many household chemicals, for example, can provoke asthmatic symptoms in sensitive people. Recent research suggests that asthmatics do not drink enough water. A healthful lifestyle with plenty of rest and sleep helps everyone.
Any natural therapies that help reduce stress and balance the body can diminish asthmatic symptoms. These include foot reflexology, chiropractic care, energy balancing techniques, acupressure, colonic irrigation, massage and many others. A combined approach often gives the best results.
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