We receive many hair analyses with a diagnosis of autism. This is not surprising, given the tremendous increase in autism in the past 20 years. Parents of autistic children report that the ARL tissue mineral analysis is often helpful for their children.
Autism is actually a spectrum of behavioral disorders that causes repeated behaviors, bizarre behavior and inability to communicate. In 2018 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a federal agency under the Department of Health and Human Services, determined that approximately 1 in 59 children is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls. Most children were still being diagnosed after age 4, though autism can be reliably diagnosed as early as age 2.
Causes Of Autism
There is no official medical cause or cure for autism. Autism foundations often focus on discovering a genetic cause, but have yet to succeed. However, it is possible to piece together a number of contributing factors. The following is known:
- Fully 93% of cases of autism begin after children are vaccinated! Dr. Joseph Mercola, who has treated hundreds of autistic children, particularly indicts the hepatitis B vaccine, given on the child's first day of life. At that time, children do not have a developed immune system and their nervous system is very vulnerable. In the USA, the number of vaccines has increased from 8 in 1980 to 49 today, in children under the age of 6.
- About 80% of autistic children have auto-antibodies in their blood that are present in only about 5% of normal children. These auto-antibodies are related to viruses such as measles, mumps and cytomegalovirus. Some are specifically related to the MMR vaccine.
- Many vaccines (though not the MMR) contain thiomersal, which is 49.5% mercury. The symptoms of autism are very similar to the symptoms of mercury poisoning. Children today receive over 100 times the safe dose of mercury for 6-month-olds due to vaccines.
- 99% of autistic children in a recent study have dysfunctional metallothionein metabolism. Metallothionein is a carrier protein required for mercury, copper and other metal detoxification.
- Many autistic children are highly allergic to milk protein. Strict avoidance of all milk products is beneficial for many of these children. Avoiding wheat and sugar also helps many autistic children.
- Giving secretin to autistic children has been found to be helpful. Secretin is a powerful hormone normally secreted by the mucosa of the duodenum and jejunum. It stimulates the pancreas to secrete digestive juices.
From these empirical studies, one can see that vaccine reactions appear to play a role in autism, as perhaps does mercury toxicity and leaky gut or other intestinal dysfunctions. The high percentage with metallothionein dysfunction could be genetic, but it could also be due to nutritional imbalances.
Hair Analysis And Nutritional Aspects
Most autistic children's hair analyses reveal a slow oxidation pattern, often a low sodium/potassium ratio and often copper imbalance. Other toxic metals such as mercury may be present, although they are not always revealed on the first hair test.
We know that many mothers today are nutritionally deficient and many have copper toxicity, whether overt or hidden. These imbalances can be passed on to the children. Copper, mercury and other metals pass through the placenta from mother to child. The influence of the father is less clear, although there is obviously genetic influence.
Low sodium/potassium ratios on hair analyses are often associated with digestive disturbance. This is compounded today by soy-based infant formulas, the use of antibiotics and other medication that damage the normal bowel flora, and antibiotics along with other chemicals found in foods that can disrupt the intestinal flora.
Genetic problems cannot account for the staggering increase in autism in the past 20 years. However, genes are activated by nutrients. In our experience, mothers and children are more poorly nourished today than twenty years ago, thanks to poor eating habits and changes in our food supply.
Stress from other sources may also play a role. The hair mineral test often reveals chronic stress patterns. In addition to the stress due to vaccines, poor diets and medications, stress may be related to the family and the child's environment.
Correction Of Autism
In addition to avoidance of allergic foods and secretin therapy, a scientifically designed nutrition program may be helpful for autism in several ways. The first is by enhancing digestion and absorption. This may require digestive enzymes, probiotics such as acidophilus, anti-candida supplements and dietary changes to help rebuild the digestive system.
Nutritional balancing programs can also facilitate the removal of mercury, copper and other metals that may be present in excess. This can occur even if metallothionein metabolism is impaired. The nutrition programs recommended by Analytical Research Labs help remove toxic metals by five methods simultaneously:
- improve energy production by balancing the oxidation rate
- improve the organs of elimination
- provide chelating agents such as vitamin C
- provide antagonists for toxic metals
- recommended ways to reduce exposure to metals
- Autism and Mercury, Waterhouse, R., Sunday Times, London.
- California Dept. of Developmental Services, quoted by Rollens, R., M.I.N.D. Institute of California.
- Smith, C. and Doyle, M., Memorandum Regarding Congressional Autism Conference.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
- For more references, see
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