Bladder Infections
Today, bladder infections are common, particularly in women. This is due in part to anatomy. In women, the urethra, or tube leading from the bladder to the surface, is quite short. It is easy for bacteria to move from the skin up into the bladder. In men, the urethra is longer, so there is less chance for bacteria to find their way into the bladder. However, there are other reasons for the increased number of bladder infections in women.
Oxidation Type And Bladder Infections
Most women who suffer from bladder infections are slow oxidizers. This contributes to infections because:
Slow oxidizers have lower energy levels. Energy is a common denominator of health. To resist infection, energy is needed. When the energy level is low, one is more prone to all kinds of illness and infections. When the oxidation rate is increased toward a more normal rate, often the bladder infections cease.
Copper toxicity associated with slow oxidation can impair the immune system. Most slow oxidizers have high or bio-unavailable copper. One effect of this imbalance is an impaired immune system. Copper depletes vitamin C, which is needed to help fight infection.
Slow oxidizers have difficulty converting beta carotene to vitamin A. Vitamin A is very helpful to maintain the integrity of the mucous membranes. These are the delicate tissues that line the urethra and the bladder. Many people obtain their vitamin A in the form of beta carotene from orange and yellow vegetables. However, carotene must be converted to vitamin A to be utilized. Slow oxidizers have lowered thyroid activity. It has been shown that lowered thyroid activity is associated with impaired conversion of beta carotene to vitamin A. This is one reason why providing vitamin A, often along with extra vitamin C, is helpful to prevent and correct bladder infections.
Slow oxidizers often have alkaline urine. This is due to their slower rate of metabolism, which generates less acidic end products of metabolism such as lactic acid. It is also often due to their diets which are higher in fruits and vegetables and lower in the acid-forming protein.
While an alkaline metabolism does not predispose to all types of infection, it does increase the tendency for yeast infections. Yeast thrives in a more alkaline environment. Any imbalance in the pH of the tissues and the urine can predispose one to certain types of infections. As the over-alkalinity is corrected through proper diet and supplements, this infection-causing factor is reduced.
Slow oxidizers may not be producing needed substances to maintain healthy tissues and to fight infection. Critical enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, interferon and many others may be deficient in the slow oxidizer due to their slow rate of metabolism. A deficiency of vitamin C, B-complex, zinc, manganese and other critical nutrients also contribute to weaker tissues and lower production of many critical substances in the body.
Other Hair Mineral Patterns Associated With Bladder Infections
A low sodium/potassium ratio is another infection indicator. This mineral pattern indicates excessive breakdown of body tissues and is associated with copper toxicity and an impaired immune system. It is more frequently seen in fast oxidizers, but occasionally shows up in slow oxidizers.
Zinc deficiency, or a low zinc/copper ratio, often indicates a tendency for impaired healing and infection.
Toxic metals, especially mercury and cadmium, are infection indicators. Cadmium interferes with zinc metabolism. Zinc is required for immune system activity and for the integrity of the body tissues. Mercury toxicity can impair the immune system.
A carbohydrate intolerance pattern can also predispose one to infections. Diabetics, for instance, are more prone to infections. Yeast infections are particularly common with carbohydrate intolerance. Hair analysis indicators include a low, or high calcium/magnesium ratio. A low sodium/potassium ratio is another carbohydrate intolerance pattern.
We have observed that drinking soda pop seems to cause irritation that may lead to an increased incidence of bladder infections. Perhaps the chemicals in these drinks irritate the delicate tissues of the bladder and urethra.
Helpful Hints For Bladder Infections
Recurrent bladder infections generally require a complete nutrition program to correct underlying imbalances. However, attacks can be lessened and often prevented with a few simple nutritional products as mentioned above. In addition, other treatments that also may be helpful are:
- Vitamins A and C, along with bioflavonoids, which strengthen capillaries, may help prevent infections.
- Other nutrients like manganese, copper and zinc may be needed to enhance the immune system.
- The Genital Bath. A simple way to increase the circulation to the bladder area is to sit facing into the bathtub and splash COLD water on the genital area for 10 minutes, three times per day. This simple, old-fashioned idea is quite effective.
- Certain herbs have traditionally been used to help correct infection. Echinacea and golden seal are often helpful.
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