Insight Into Children's Health
Children often respond very well to nutrition programs. Even many serious conditions can be helped with scientific nutrition programs. Children and young adults are among those most affected by poor-quality diets and nutritional imbalances.
Children's Biochemistry
The oxidation rate. All human being begin life as fast oxidizers. This means their hair tissue calcium and magnesium levels are low in comparison with their hair sodium and potassium levels. Characteristics of fast oxidation include a rapid pulse and a high degree of nervous system sensitivity. Fast oxidizing children are more active. Very fast oxidation produces extreme irritability, inability to relax, and often ADD and possibly aggressive behavior.
Fast oxidizers require dietary fat and calcium such as that found in certified raw full-fat milk, cheese and yogurt. Sugars of all kinds, including fruits and fruit juices, are not recommended for these children, as they further enhance an already fast oxidation rate. Children may remain fast oxidizers for years however, in general, as one ages the oxidation rate slows.
However, a shift has occurred over the past 30 years. Today, many children change into slow oxidizers by age 6, or even sooner. Causes for the early change in oxidation type include nutritional deficiencies, excessive toxic metals, medical drugs, vaccines, or stress from any cause. This can include not sleeping enough, too much stimulation, or other causes. These deplete the adrenal and thyroid glands, which are primarily responsible for the oxidation rate.
Four lows pattern. Another metabolic pattern that was formerly never seen in children, but is appearing often today, is called the four-low-electrolyte pattern. This is an unusual pattern for children. Dr. Paul Eck defines this pattern as a combination of a hair calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium below the 'ideal' levels This is considered an exhaustion pattern.
Children's Sodium/Potassium Ratio. A striking feature of the mineral analyses of many infants and children is a very low sodium/potassium ratio. The ratio is often below 2:1 and many times below 1:1. New practitioners are often shocked by these ratios, which in adults indicate definite pathology.
Children seem to handle the low sodium/potassium ratio better than adults’ however, the low ratio is associated with a tendency for infections, chronic stress, carbohydrate intolerance and at times other imbalances. Correcting the ratio is not always easy. However, any improvement in our experience will enhance overall health.
Children and Toxic Metals. Children's mineral analyses often reveal extremely high levels of toxic metals. This is not a new trend however. There are several reasons for these high levels of toxic metals:
The faster the oxidation rate, the more the body is able to eliminate toxic metals. Children tend to have faster oxidation rates than adults. The high levels of toxic metals can simply indicate that elimination of metals is proceeding rapidly. Those with a slow oxidation rate also have toxic metals in their tissues however, they are unable to mobilize them from the tissues due to low energy. Therefore, the metals are often not revealed on the first or even the second hair analysis.
Toxic metals pass from the mother to the child through the placenta. We do not know exactly why this is so. Perhaps the child, with his faster oxidation rate, may be more able to eliminate the metals than the mother, whose oxidation rate is slower.
Older Children and Teens. In the past, children between the ages of 5 and 12 were usually fast oxidizers. Now they are often slow oxidizers. The hair analyses of most teenagers and some pre-teens often reveal extremely slow oxidation rates. Most teens are exhausted, no matter how good they look.
Nutritional imbalances that begin at birth or in childhood continue and often worsen as children approach puberty and the teen-age years.
Diets and eating habits during the teen years are often atrocious. A scientific nutrition program can help maintain physical, mental and emotional health during the teenage years.
We do not recommend vegetarian diets because they tend to be low in essential nutrients. Children and teenagers have a great need for zinc. Our soil is low in zinc and most foods are low in zinc. The main sources are red meats, chicken, turkey and to some degree fish and eggs. Zinc from zinc tablets and from vegetable sources is not necessarily as well absorbed as zinc from meats. Meats also contain taurine, carnitine and other substances that many children need.
Children and sweets don't mix. Since most children are fast oxidizers, sugary foods worsen the fast oxidation and can aggravate many problems such as hyperactivity, anxiety, nervousness, irritability and poor concentration.
Sweets include fruit juices, even the unsweetened fruit juices. These are very high in glucose and other sugars and can have the same detrimental effects as candy and other sweets.
To avoid sweet cravings, it is critical that the child has adequate protein, oils and fats in his diet. Otherwise the child may be hungry and crave sweets.
Children need dietary fat. Many parents withhold fats and oils from children, to keep their cholesterol low or to avoid weight gain. The American Academy of Pediatrics and any nutritionist worth his title knows that children need fats to grow. Many vital body tissues including the nervous system require fatty acids. For the many children who are fast oxidizers, fats calm them down, provide steady energy and avoid the energy roller-coaster of hypoglycemia to which so many children are prone.
Children who are deprived of foods such as eggs, cheese, avocado, nuts, seeds and meats often crave and eat more sugar. This can lead to sugar addiction. It can also cause serious problems with weight, behavior and in some cases can elevate triglyceride levels. In contrast, a combination of exercise, diet and nutritional supplements can control weight and help prevent behavioral as well as physical illness.
Children should have good quality fats and oils only. The best quality fats and oils are unprocessed oils such as olive oil or flaxseed oil. All other oils have been processed and are of lesser quality. Good fats include butter, meats, eggs, nuts, seeds and oily fish such as tuna, salmon and sardines.
Supplements for Children
Children require much smaller supplement programs to achieve excellent results. This is probably because the biochemical imbalances are less firmly entrenched and more energy is available to assist the healing process. Children have fewer neuroses and fixed attitudes that can be detrimental to healing. Finally, children have fewer financial and other obligations so that more energy can be directed toward the healing effort.
Young children normally will not swallow tablets. The best method is to crush the tablets and mix them with foods having a strong flavor such as peanut butter, apple sauce, yogurt, tomato sauce, or soup. This method usually works very well. Tablets can also be placed in a blender in a smoothie.
Vitamin and mineral dosages are reduced in proportion to a child's weight and age.
The Outlook For Our Children
It is our hope in presenting this material that someday soon the screening tools such as the hair mineral analysis will be performed routinely and the knowledge gained through research will be applied to mothers and children everywhere.
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This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.