Constipation and Diarrhea

This newsletter addresses two related topics. The first is nutritional causes for constipation and diarrhea, which affects millions of individuals around the world. The second is how to handle these symptoms when they arise as part of a nutritional balancing program.


Some health authorities suggest that one should have a bowel movement after every meal and that anything less is constipation.

In contrast, conventional doctors often do not use the term constipation unless a person is uncomfortable from not having a bowel move­ment for days.

An important biochemical cause for constipa­tion is a slow oxidation rate. Slow oxidation is associated with reduced bowel tone, reduced secretion of bile and other digestive juices and reduced peristaltic activity. Enhancing the oxida­tion rate often reduces constipation.

Other causes for constipation include inade­quate roughage or fiber in the diet, imbalanced intestinal flora, intestinal parasites, bacterial or yeast overgrowth in the intestine, acid-alkaline imbalance, nervous tension, lack of exercise and magnesium deficiency. Rarely a tumor, polyp or some other cause is involved.

In some cases, psychological factors are very important. For example, many people become constipated when they travel, eat unusual foods, or disrupt their normal daily routine.

Ending Constipation

Even long-standing constipation usually improves by enhancing a slow oxidation rate and adding dietary fiber, supplementary magnesium, acidophilus and products containing black radish root, ox bile and pancreatin.

Traditional remedies such as prune juice, cascara sagrada and senna leaves also are helpful. However, herbs may eventually stop working. They are not as physiological as fiber, acid­ophilus, magnesium and products containing black radish root, ox bile and pancreatin which actually supply missing nutritional factors.

Other methods that may help include exercise, colonic irrigation, castor oil packs, deep breath­ing, yoga and other natural therapies to restore total body functioning.

Constipation While On A Supplement Program

The following may cause constipation on a nutrition program:

  • Change in diet. Although a more wholesome diet usually regulates the bowels, occasionally there is a transition period in which bowels are irregular.
  • Calcium and at times other supplements, may cause constipation.
  • Slowing the oxidation rate in a fast oxidizer, or temporary slowing in a slow oxidizer, may cause constipation.
  • Toxic metal elimination may cause constipa­tion. For example, elimination through the liver may temporarily cause a reduced bile flow that can result in constipation.
  • Constipation may be due to a complex reac­tion, such as emotional stress from a new awareness arising from a shift in body chemis­try.

It is usually not necessary to stop taking sup­plements due to constipation. Instead, add magne­sium, Acid­ophilus and products containing black radish root, ox bile and pancreatin. Usu­ally this will take care of the problem rapidly.


Diarrhea is also a very common symptom. It is often defined as unformed stools or liquid stools. They may occur frequently or just once a day.

In terms of oxidation types, true fast oxidizers are more prone to diarrhea. True fast oxidizers may have several bowel movements per day, often after every meal.

Temporary fast oxidizers (including those with high calcium and magnesium levels) and fast oxidizers with a low sodium/potassium ratio may have loose stools, but are often constipated.

Besides oxidation type, other causes for diarrhea include anything that irritates the intes­tines causing increased evacuations. In many cases the body is attempting to wash something out of the intestines. Bacterial and viral infec­tions, food poisoning, irritating foods and spices, parasites, yeast overgrowth, improper flora and food or supplement sensitivities are a few of the more common causes.

Psychological factors also play a role in diar­rhea. Anything that upsets digestion can cause the body to expel a meal.

Stopping Diarrhea

Acute diarrhea is often an effort to expel poisons. It is best to allow it until the bowel is empty. If diarrhea persists or becomes chronic, a simple diet of well-cooked rice or well-cooked oatmeal and no irritating or raw food may help.

Other remedies include charcoal tablets, garlic, bentonite clay, or grapefruit seed extract. Intestinal flora may have to be altered and candida or parasitic infection treated with herbs or con­ventional drugs. Consider a stool examination or other medical exam for anyone with persistent diarrhea.

Diarrhea During A Nutrition Program

The following may cause diarrhea while on a nutrition program:

  • An increase in the oxidation rate may increase bowel activity.
  • Disrupting the intestinal flora may temporarily cause diarrhea.
  • Toxic metal elimination through the bile may irritate the intestine and cause temporary diarrhea.
  • Magnesium can cause diarrhea in sensitive individuals.
  • Products containing black radish root, ox bile and pancreatin may have a laxative result for sensitive individuals.
  • While it is rare, any food supplement or any food can cause a reaction resulting in diarrhea.
  • Emotional changes due to a nutrition program could cause temporary diarrhea.
  • Diarrhea may be unrelated to the program and due to food poisoning, food allergy, parasitic or bacterial infection, stress, or some other cause.

Diarrhea is self-limiting. If it persists on the supplement program, reduce the dosage of magnesium, or products containing black radish root, ox bile and pancreatin. Reduce any other supplement if it seems to be the causative factor. Check with your practitioner to see if this means restructuring the supplement program. Usually the cause can be isolated.

Charcoal tablets, bentonite clay or grapefruit seed extract may also be tried. If diarrhea persists, other tests should be considered.

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The preceding statements have not been evaluated by the
Food and Drug Administration
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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