Nutritional Causes of Depression

Depression is one of the most common com­plaints in doctors' offices today. In our experi­ence, depression is often related to correctable biochemical imbalances. While medications may control the symptoms, specific nutritional therapy can pinpoint underlying causes as so to effect a biochemical correction rather than a symptomatic correction.

Low Energy Levels As A Major Cause Of Mental Depression

The great majority of people who suffer from mental depression are fatigued. Most cases of depression occur in very 'slow' oxidizers who have low energy levels. Their feelings of depres­sion, apathy and even despair are closely linked to adrenal gland exhaustion.

When one's energy levels are improved through nutrition, depression lifts. We view this particular type of depression as a defense mech­anism. The body copes with extreme fatigue by causing a desire to withdraw from normal life events.

Low Glucocorticoid Hormone Levels And Depression

The glucocorticoid hormones - cortisone and cortisol - have a euphoric effect. This is seen, for example, in athletes who feel no pain while taking steroids for athletic injuries.

Slow oxidizers produce less than normal amounts of glucocorticoid hormones, thus con­tributing to feelings of fatigue and mental depres­sion.

High Calcium And Magnesium Levels As A Cause Of Depression

Our research reveals that excessive levels of soft tissue calcium and magnesium have a sedat­ing or depressing effect on the central nervous system. The majority of slow oxidizers, who are depressed, reveal elevated hair calcium and magnesium tissue levels.

The depressing effect of elevated calcium and magnesium can be felt even if one's life circum­stances are all favorable.

Copper Toxicity And Depression

When a person complains of depression, copper toxicity is often indicated on the hair analysis test. Excessive tissue levels of copper have a detrimental effect on energy levels. Cop­per, in excess, also has powerful effects on the production of critical neurotransmitter levels in the brain.

A copper imbalance may, in some cases be difficult to identify. The imbalance may not be initially obvious from the hair test readings.

The link between copper imbalance and mental depression is very strong. Depression that occurs pre-menstrually and mental depression after childbirth are closely related to excessively high tissue copper levels occurring at these times.

Copper, in excess, stimulates the production of excessive monoamine oxidase (MAO), a brain enzyme. One class of anti-depressant medications, the MAO inhibitors, is used to normalize exces­sive MAO levels.

Copper, in excess, also causes calcium levels to rise on the hair test. Copper toxicity thus con­tributes to the high calcium and magnesium levels noted in many depressed individuals.

Copper, in excess, also inhibits adrenal and thyroid gland activity by lowering levels of vita­min C, zinc, vitamin B6 and other vital nutrients. By inhibiting endocrine glandular activity, an excess of tissue copper contributes to fatigue, another factor in depression.

Fast Oxidizers And Depression

Depression is less common in healthy ‘fast’ oxidizers. Fast oxidizers with a low sod­ium/­potassium ratio are considered to be in a 'burnout' state. They may experience feelings of depression, often along with frustra­tion and indecision.

Toxic Metals And Depression

Other toxic metals including mercury and cadmium can contribute to mental depression. Cadmium interferes with zinc-dependent enzymes that are required for normal energy production. A zinc deficiency, due to cadmium toxicity, results in fatigue and eventually in mental depression.

Mercury commonly deposits in the brain and can impair thyroid gland activity. Mercury toxic­ity is also associated with hidden copper toxicity.

Diet And Depression

Many people suffering from depression reveal a sugar and carbohydrate intolerance on a hair mineral analysis. For such individuals eating fewer simple carbohydrates (sugars, fruit, fruit juices and other sweets) is a major key to correct­ing their depression.

An allergy or sensitivity to a food or food additive can also cause depression. NutraSweet, the artificial sweetener, is reported to produce depression and other emotional symptoms in sensitive individuals.

In summary, scientific nutrition programs based on hair mineral analysis can identify and correct several common causes of mental depres­sion.

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