Emotions Affect a Hair Analysis
The connection between emotions and hair analysis interpretation is a fascinating subject. Dr. Paul Eck devoted much time to studying this area of mind-body interaction. This newsletter is an introduction to this complex subject.
General Principles
The following associations are derived from thousands of case histories and physiological evidence as well; however, they are general in nature. Emotions influence minerals and minerals influence emotions. Each person is different and the interpretation of the hair readings for emotional content will vary from person to person.
For each mineral, there is a healthy range and there are extremes. Knowing the extremes can help understand the variations in between. Also, note that while a low mineral level is often a deficiency state, a high level may be an excess or a biounavailability state. The latter is a form of deficiency; thus a high level may have features of both deficiency and excess.
The Electrolytes
The electrolytes are associated directly with the stages of stress and the fight-or-flight reaction.
Calcium: Calcium is referred to as the 'strength' or 'stability' mineral. Calcium provides strength to the bones and teeth. Calcium also has a calming and relaxing effect upon the muscles and nervous system. Emotionally, low calcium is associated with fast reflexes and emotional reactivity. This is the situation in the fight-or-flight response. Very low calcium is associated with instability, hyper-irritability, hypersensitivity and hyper-reactivity.
A high calcium level acts as a stress buffer. If the calcium becomes excessively high, it is associated with emotional numbness and defensiveness.
A very high calcium level is often termed a 'calcium shell'. The person is often insulated from reality. One may retreat into a protective, defensive stance and is often hard to reach and communicate with. This information can be very useful for a practitioner who sees this pattern on a hair analysis chart. One may wish to record a consultation, or in some way help the client to absorb information better as they will have trouble hearing and understanding instructions.
Magnesium: The emotions connected with magnesium parallel those of calcium. Calcium and magnesium usually move up and down together on the chart. Magnesium is more closely associated with physiological strength and stability, where calcium is more closely associated with structural strength and stability.
Magnesium is needed for more enzymes than any other mineral. Many enzymes cannot substitute other minerals for magnesium. Therefore, a low magnesium level may have deleterious effects upon many, many body functions. High levels of calcium and magnesium usually indicate biounavailability.
Sodium: Sodium is referred to as the 'volatility' mineral. Sodium levels on the hair test correlate best with aldosterone levels. Aldosterone is an adrenal hormone that causes sodium retention within the kidneys. Normal sodium levels and ratios are generally associated with a good energy level.
Low sodium is associated with fatigue, apathy, depression, fear, giving up and despair. Adrenal hormones are not only needed for energy production, but cortisone alleviates depression as well. A low sodium/potassium ratio is associated with the emotions of frustration, resentment and hostility.
An elevated sodium level is associated with an alarm reaction or fight-or-flight response and the emotions associated with it. These include anger, aggressiveness and fright.
Potassium: Potassium is referred to as the 'follow-through' mineral. The potassium level correlates most closely with the level of cortisol and cortisone in the body. Epinephrine and nor epinephrine are the first adrenal hormones to be secreted in response to stress. Cortisone and cortisol follow and are longer term, anti-stress hormones.
Normal potassium levels and ratios indicate an adequate ability to handle stress. Low potassium is associated with fatigue, apathy, low blood sugar, low thyroid and adrenal activity and often depression, especially when combined with a high calcium level. An elevated potassium level is part of the fight-or-flight acute stress reaction.
Trace Minerals
Iron: Iron is considered a masculine mineral. It is needed not only for hemoglobin, but for energy production in the electron transport system. Excessive iron is associated with anger or hostility. Excess iron settles in an area of the brain called the amygdala which is associated with feelings of hostility. Low iron is associated with weakness, 'being anemic' and fatigue.
Copper: Copper is considered a feminine element, because it is intimately involved in fertility. One's copper level is directly related to the level of estrogen. Women tend to have higher copper levels than men.
Normal copper metabolism is associated with qualities of softness, gentleness and intuitiveness. Copper-dominant individuals are often young-looking, creative and artistic.
Excessive copper causes enhancement of the emotions. Copper stimulates the diencephalon or old, emotional brain. High copper is associated with feelings of depression, anxiety, mood swings, hyperactive behavior and at times violence. Low copper in relation to zinc can cause a lack of emotional response.
Manganese: Manganese is also a feminine element, sometimes called the 'maternal' element. Animals deprived of manganese cease to care for their young.
Manganese deficiency is very common among the American population due to soil depletion of manganese.
Zinc: Zinc is a masculine element, the 'gentle strength' element. Zinc is considered a calming neurotransmitter in its own right. Zinc stimulates the cortex, or new brain. It overlays the old brain and modifies our emotional responses.
Normal zinc levels are associated with calmness and equanimity in the face of stress. Low zinc is associated with mood swings, emotional instability and hyperactive behavior in children. Excessive zinc can cause a lack of emotional response.
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