Endometriosis, Fibroid Tumors and Ovarian Cysts
Female organ complaints are often complex health concerns. Genetic, nutritional, hormonal and emotional factors may be involved in these symptoms. Hair analysis research can be of benefit for many patients with these conditions. This is a large topic that can only be summarized in the space of this newsletter.
Many Factors Influence Hormones
Female hormone levels and the ratios between the individual hormones contribute to most female organ problems. Female hormones cycle during the month and there are a number of hormones that all must be maintained in proper balance with each other.
For example, estrogen plays a key role in all these conditions. Estrogen is a generic term for three different hormones, estradiol, estriol and estrone. All these must be in balance with each other and in balance with progesterone.
Hormone levels in turn are affected by many factors. Among these are pituitary gland activity, nutritional factors including toxic metals and trace element nutrition, adrenal and thyroid activity, genetic factors, diet, exercise and one's emotional state.
A hair mineral analysis can provide several kinds of useful information including the oxidation rate, adrenal and thyroid activity, the sodium/potassium ratio, zinc/copper ratio, toxic metals, and energy levels.
Oxidation Rate
Most women are slow oxidizers. Most who have endometriosis, cysts and fibroids are very slow oxidizers. Slow oxidation may contribute to these conditions for several reasons:
- Their adrenal glands and ovaries often produce less than optimum amounts of female hormones.
- Many slow oxidizers are copper toxic and zinc deficient.
- Many slow oxidizers have a very underactive thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism is a contributor to some uterine and ovarian symptoms. The thyroid and adrenal glands work together. Imbalances in one may cause a compensatory imbalance in the other.
- Most have low energy, which impairs all healing.
- Slow oxidizers usually have high levels of toxic metals which interfere with normal metabolism. Toxic metals may not be revealed on the first few hair analyses if one's energy level is so low that the body cannot excrete the toxic metals.
Copper Toxicity
Bioavailable copper is linked to estrogen levels. Women with female organ complaints almost always have either high hair copper, or biounavailable copper. Biounavailable copper on a hair analysis may be indicated by a low copper level.
Other indicators of copper imbalance are often present, such as a low sodium/potassium ratio, an elevated calcium, low potassium, mercury toxicity or possibly a low phosphorus level.
Correcting a copper imbalance can significantly improve many female organ symptoms. Correction may occur quickly, however, chronic conditions may take up to several years to correct.
One reason is that the problem is seldom just a copper imbalance. Often the adrenal glands and thyroid are weak, toxic metals are present, energy is low and multiple nutrient deficiencies are present. It is not just a question of 'correcting' the copper imbalance, however, with patience, persistence and attention to all aspects of lifestyles as well as supplementation, much can be accomplished.
Low Energy
Low energy on a hair analysis may be indicated by a very slow oxidation rate, a low sodium/potassium ratio, or the presence of cadmium or other toxic metals. Low energy is a common denominator of illness. Without sufficient energy, any organ or system can malfunction. Low energy permits toxic metals to accumulate. Digestion and absorption of nutrients suffer, often leading to even more serious conditions.
Scientific nutrition programs based upon a tissue mineral analysis can help reverse the vicious cycle of low energy. Once again, several months to several years may be needed to replenish deficient nutrients, eliminate toxic metals and rebuild organs and glands.
Toxic Metals
Toxic metals interfere with hundreds of enzyme systems in the body. They can contribute to practically any symptom. Cadmium, lead, mercury, copper and others may all contribute to female organ symptoms. Only a total corrective nutrition program can slowly eliminate excessive toxic metals which may have been present for years or even from birth.
Symptomatic Remedies
Within the framework of a complete nutrition program, it is possible to alter hormone levels nutritionally. We have observed a rough correlation between the hair sodium/potassium balance and the estrogen/progesterone balance. Nutrients that increase sodium such as adrenal glandular products, iron, copper, boron and vitamin E may increase estrogen levels. Damiana and sarsaparilla, black cohosh and other herbs can do the same.
Zinc, wild yam extracts, and essential fatty acids such as fish oil, borage oil or primrose oil are anti-inflammatory and tend to favor progesterone. Nutrients that assist the liver can help detoxify estrogen. For this reason, products such as black radish root, ox bile and pancreatin may help lower estrogen levels.
Some women also benefit symptomatically from natural estrogen or progesterone cream. The natural products are superior in that they carry no risk of malignancy, as do the synthetic estrogen commonly prescribed.
Other natural therapies may also be very beneficial, including castor oil packs, colonic irrigation, reflexology, deep breathing and many others.
The Emotional Connection
Women's roles and the meaning of womanhood are shifting today. Some women feel caught between traditional roles and values, modern opportunities and sometimes harsh realities. This may be a factor in the prevalence of female organ symptoms, and a reason why hysterectomies are the most commonly performed surgery in women today.
Sometimes a woman's symptoms may indicate a need for her to examine carefully her choices and priorities. She may need to assess whether she is just rebelling or conforming to someone else's standards, or living a life that creates the most happiness and fulfillment for her.
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