Essentials Of The Fast Oxidizer Diet
The fast oxidizer diet is recommended in about 10-15% of mineral analyses. The basic principles are to reduce carbohydrate intake to about 10% of calories and obtain most calories from fats and oils. Animal fats often work better than vegetable oils for fast oxidizers. Protein and vegetables are excellent for the fast oxidizer. High-purine proteins are recommended for fast oxidizers. These include salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies and organ meats.
Fast Oxidizer Metabolism
Dr. Watson found that the people he identified as fast oxidizers had difficulty metabolizing carbohydrate foods. They felt better when these were limited and more calories were derived from fats and oils. More recent research by Dr. Paul Eck, Dr. Robert Atkins and others, have confirmed that excessive carbohydrate intake is harmful for some people. Dr. Atkins' books such as The Atkins Diet Revolution are highly recommended for their explanation of the low-carbohydrate diet.
Dr. Eck found that fast oxidizers are in an alarm stage of stress. This means their adrenal and thyroid glands are overactive. The body is burning fuel at a rapid rate. There is a need to slow the burning of food to restore balance. This can be helped significantly through diet.
Carbohydrates, particularly sugar, honey, fructose and others, require little or no digestion and enter the bloodstream rapidly. They raise blood sugar levels quickly, forcing the rapid secretion of insulin to offset the rise in blood sugar.
Glucose enters the cells rapidly and tends to speed up metabolism in the short term. This is why people use candy bars and sweets for a quick pick-up. However, this effect is very detrimental for the fast oxidizer, whose body is already burning fuel rapidly. Fast oxidizers will not crave sweets and carbohydrates if they do eat enough fats and oils.
Fats and oils, in contrast, require several hours of digestion. They are absorbed slowly from the intestine. Once absorbed, fats and oils release more energy, more slowly to the cells. Thus fats and oils have a slowing effect upon metabolism and tend to even out the oxidation process. At the same time, they provide plenty of calories for the fast oxidizer who needs these calories. Fats and oils also spare insulin, as insulin is not required for their utilization.
Fats and oils also provide acetates, a high energy molecule that is required by fast oxidizers. The only other source of acetates is alcohol. This may account for some cases of alcoholism in fast oxidizers.
Children And Fast Oxidation
Most babies and young children are fast oxidizers. They often crave full-fat milk, butter, cheese, peanut butter and other fatty foods. It is a mistake to avoid feeding these foods to these children. Many cases of hyperactivity and attention deficit are helped simply by switching to the high-fat diet.
Cholesterol And Fast Oxidation
Fast oxidizers often worry about their cholesterol level. Research indicates that most true fast oxidizers have low cholesterol. A person with elevated cholesterol is more likely what is called a temporary fast oxidizer or slow oxidizer under stress. After several months on a nutrition program, their oxidation rate will slow and the diet should be changed accordingly.
Recent research indicates that the consumption of eggs and other high quality fats in moderation does not necessarily raise cholesterol levels. The level remains low in the true fast oxidizer because fats are metabolized correctly and burned completely. Recall that most cholesterol is manufactured within the body. Only a small proportion comes from the diet.
Those who are very concerned about cholesterol can limit their intake of cholesterol by consuming more vegetable fats rather than animal fat. Vegetable fats do not contain cholesterol. They include foods such as avocados, nuts, seeds and nut butters. These should always be eaten fresh, as vegetable oils go rancid quickly.
Temporary Fast Oxidizers
Anyone who cannot digest fats and oils is most likely not a true fast oxidizer. In these cases, follow the diet as well as possible. Retest in 2-3 months to check the oxidation rate again. Rarely, a year or more is needed to sufficiently reduce biochemical stress so that a temporary fast oxidizer will shift to slow oxidation.
Tips About The Fast Oxidizer Diet
Use good judgment as to how much fats and oils you can handle. Some people cannot handle as much as others. Digestive enzymes such as black radish root, ox bile and pancreatin, or a proprietary enzyme blend with little, or no hydrochloric acid, can greatly assist fat digestion in the fast oxidizer. Olive oil is preferable to other vegetable oils which are refined and processed. Flaxseed oil and the oils of salmon, sardines and tuna fish are also excellent.
Eggs are an excellent food for fast oxidizers and several may be eaten daily. Full-fat dairy products are also excellent, especially yogurt and cheese. If one develops a sensitivity to dairy products, it is best to avoid them. Meats are fine for fast oxidizers. Whenever possible, use meats from animals that have not been injected with hormones and antibiotics. Nuts and seeds are excellent foods for fast oxidizers.
Most vegetables are excellent for fast oxidizers, particularly leafy greens. Carrots, peas, corn, beans and winter squash contain more carbohydrates and should be eaten in moderation. Many fast oxidizers do not like vegetables and must be encouraged to eat them. Organically grown vegetables are tastier as well as more nutritious.
Foods to reduce include breads, pasta, potatoes, cereals, fruit and fruit juices, milk, sweets, sugars, honey and all food containing these products.
Carbohydrates and sugars are hidden in many foods, particularly processed foods. Dr. Atkins books are helpful in identifying hidden carbohydrates.
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