Autonomic Balance and the Calcium/Phosphorus Ratio

The calcium/phosphorus ratio on a hair min­eral analysis is an indicator of an individual’s auto­nomic state. A calcium/phosphorus ratio less than 2.5 indicates a sympathetic state, while a ratio greater than 2.5:1 indicates a parasympa­thetic state. The autonomic state is important as it is closely related to the activity of the adrenal and thyroid glands. A physician who studied the cal­cium/phosphorus ratio extensively was Melvin Page, DDS. (Page, M., Degeneration - Regener­ation, Nutritional Develop­ment, St. Petersburg, FL 1949, 1980.)

The state of the autonomic nervous system is not the same as another important concept, sym­pathetic or parasympathetic dominance. These are separate ideas.

A third concept is important. This is whether a person is autonomic dominant or oxidation domi­nant.

Sympathetic And Parasympathetic

The sympathetic nervous system is also called the fight-or-flight system. It activates the brain and the muscles and is the ‘speed-up’ system. It causes expenditure of energy and is catabolic. The para­sympathetic system is conserving, nurturing, nour­ishing and restful. It activates the digestive organs. It is anabolic and regenerates the body.

The body balances these two systems and the minerals associated with them. Animals are quite good at this. Healthy cats or dogs run fast and fight hard, but are equally comfortable spending the afternoon sleeping. Humans, however, have more difficulty balancing the autonomic system. Many people compulsively fight or run all the time. Others are in a give-up mode where they will no longer fight for anything. They are often depressed and feel like victims.

Causes of autonomic imbalance include chemi­cal imbalances one is born with, poor diet, use of stimu­lants, negative thinking, structural imbal­ances, physical or emotional traumas and exposure to toxic metals and chemicals that affect the hypo­thalamus and pituitary gland.


Phosphorus is fiery and explosive. Phosphorus must be stored under water. Exposed to the air, it spontaneously catches fire. TNT contains phos­phorus. Phosphors make televisions and computer monitors light up. Phosphorus is the key element in ATP, adenosine triphosphate, the high energy mole­cule that provides energy for our bodies.

Dr. Paul Eck found that either high or low phos­phorus on a hair analysis indicates impaired protein synthesis. All proteins contain phos­phorus. A high hair phosphorus, especially in relation to calcium, is an indicator of a sympa­thetic state. This is catabolic, associated with excessive protein breakdown.

In an exhaustion stage of stress, the body be­comes parasympathetic because the sympathetic system is depleted. Digestion, absorption and utiliza­tion of protein are impaired due to zinc deficiency, copper toxicity, improper gut flora and other prob­lems. This produces a low hair phos­phorus, espe­cially in relation to calcium. This is more serious than a high hair phosphorus.


Calcium is cold, hard and static. It is the key ingredient in concrete. Calcium gives rigidity to our bones and teeth. Where phosphorus is energy in motion, calcium is structure.

Dr. Hans Selye, founder of the stress theory of disease, discovered that sympathetic nervous activa­tion lowers tissue calcium and magnesium levels. This puts the body in a hyper alert state, increases blood pressure by constricting the arteries and enhances nervous system irritability. This prepares the body for fighting or running.

The opposite occurs in the exhaustion stage of stress. The sympathetic system is depleted. Thy­roid and adrenal activity diminish and tissue calcium begins to rise. It can become very ele­vated in a hair sample, indicating a parasympa­thetic state. The ideal ratio of hair calcium to phos­phorus is 2.5:1. Hair samples must not be washed at the laboratory to obtain accurate readings.

Autonomic Dominance

Autonomic dominance refers to which branch of the autonomic system one uses most of the time. Almost everyone is sympathetic domi­nant. When it is mild, one is forward look­ing, optimistic, active and energetic. Symptoms of excessive sympa­thetic dominance include com­pulsiveness, running around excessively, over­working, excessive think­ing, fearfulness, anxiety, worry or anger. One may talk, think and work fast. One does not spend enough time in a para­sympa­thetic state to rebuild the body, so it eventu­ally becomes depleted of nutrients or "burns out". A hair high sodium/potassium ratio indicates sympathetic dominance. Today even young chil­dren are burned out due to stress and poor diets.

Healthy parasympathetic dominant individuals are rare. They love to relax, do not react to stress and may rest all day, not because they are tired but because they are content. They live in the present moment and are at peace within. A healt­hy para­sympathetic dominant loves eating, has a great appetite and great digestion because the parasym­pathetic system activates digestion. They are rare due to the stress of modern living. Also, toxic metals and chemicals in the food, air and water disturb the proper functioning of the auto­nomic nervous system.

Much more common is emotionally caused unhealthy parasympathetic dominance. These people have given up on life and will not fight for anything. They may advocate peace, but they are not at peace. They may sit around or they may be active, but are in a give up mode. Their hair analy­sis will reveal a high calcium/phosphorus ratio, slow oxidation, a low sod­ium/potassium ratio, or perhaps a four-low-electro­lyte mineral pattern.

One’s autonomic dominance and autonomic state may be different. Many patients are sympa­thetic dominant, but the body is in a parasympa­thetic state. This is called a burned out sympa­thetic domi­nant. It is indicated on a hair analysis by a high cal­cium/phosphorus ratio (para­sympa­thetic state) and a high sodium/potassium ratio (sympathetic dominance). It is a common slow oxidizer pattern.

Autonomic Or Oxidation Dominance

In some people, an autonomic imbalance is most important. In others, an oxidation rate imbal­ance is most important. Dominance of an auto­nomic imbalance can be due to toxic metals in the hypothala­mus or pituitary gland that affect the hormone output of the major glands. Another common cause of autonomic dominance are neuro­ses, fears, worries, resentments, prejudices or mental rigidity. Such people are always fight­ing or flighting or may go into a give-up state.

Those with dominance of an oxidation rate imbalance have fewer emotional issues and less toxic metals in the pituitary. Instead, they have toxic metals or nutrient deficiencies primarily affecting nutrient transport, metabolism and cellu­lar respira­tion in the mitochondria. Thus the body’s ability to oxidize or burn food is most affected.

While important, the distinction can become vague. For example, impaired cell permeability due to chemical imbalances may cause the body to over secrete thyroid or adrenal hormones to compensate. This in turn upsets the autonomic nervous system. Continued for years, it may give rise to a personal­ity disorder. Separating out all these factors can be difficult.

The best approach is to correct every level of functioning. This means supporting glandular activ­ity and cellular respiration, replenishing minerals, eliminating toxic metals, paying atten­tion to diet and lifestyle and using other therapies to clear structural and emotional blocks. Nutritional balancing pro­grams from Analytical Research Labs incorporate dietary, lifestyle and supplement recommendations to assist in chemically balancing the body.

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