Taking Additional Nutritional Products

We often receive inquiries about adding certain products to our nutritional programs. ARL often advises that no extra nutritional products be taken with the recommended nutritional program, as they can interfere with the mineral balancing program. However, let us address eight of the most common products that one may wish to add to a nutritional balancing program.


Acidophilus capsules or powder may safely be added to any nutrition program. Lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidis and other similar products help restore normal bowel flora. They are often a component of anti-candida regimens. They may also be helpful for a patient with flatulence, intestinal bloating, constipation or diarrhea.


Boron is an essential trace mineral that may safely be added to any nutritional balancing program. Some patients find that taking extra boron helps avoid hot flashes and is protec­tive against post-menopausal osteoporosis. Boron is effective because it enhances the natural pro­duction of estrogen and other steroid hormones. Our soil and therefore our food, may be deficient in boron due to depletion of this trace metal through poor farming practices. Therefore, supple­menta­tion of 3-6 milligrams daily may be helpful for some people.


Chromium is an essential trace element in­volved in sugar metabolism. Chromium may enable insulin to attach to cell walls, so that glucose can pass through the cell wall into the cells. Chromium may be recommended on the hair analysis report. Chromium is found in certain foods including brewers yeast and black pepper. Chromium supplements help some cases of sweet cravings, hypoglycemia, diabetes and low energy. Chrom­ium is considered a 'sodium raiser' in the mineral balancing system. One or two tablets may be safely added to most nutritional balancing pro­grams.


Garlic has been used for thousands of years to increase strength and stamina, fight infections and is useful to help lower blood pressure. Some physicians use it as part of an anti-candida regi­men. Garlic capsules provide a concentrated form of garlic, often with less of the traditional garlic odor. Garlic capsules may be safely added to most nutritional balancing programs. One caution is that high doses of garlic reduce blood pressure. This could be a problem for slow oxidizers who, as a rule, already have very low blood pressure, leading to light-headedness or dizziness

Gingko Biloba

Gingko biloba is a widely used herb, particu­larly helpful for increasing circulation in the brain. Gingko is sometimes recommended for those experiencing vertigo or dizziness, or to enhance memory or other mental functions. It may be safely added to the nutritional balancing programs if desired.


Ginseng is a very popular herb grown around the world. Ginseng is considered a stimulant or tonic herb. Some preparations are much stronger than others. Use caution with ginseng. Its stimu­lant properties may not benefit fast oxidizers, who are already over-stimulated by their excessive adrenal and thyroid gland activity. Slow oxidizers are more likely to benefit from ginseng. However, it may be difficult to distinguish if the ginseng is actually nourishing the body or just stimulating it. The latter would not be beneficial.

Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed oil is an excellent source of omega-3 essential fatty acids. These have an anti-inflam­matory effect and can help stimulate the immune system. Essential fatty acids may also be helpful for dry and flaky skin conditions. Modern diets are often low in the essential fatty acids. One or two tablespoons per day may be safely added to any nutritional balancing program.


Selenium is an essential trace element that functions as an anti-oxidant. It helps prevent damage to body tissues due to singlet oxygen atoms or free radicals.

Free radicals are found in foods, air pollution or are produced within the body. They can cause damage to all body tissues. Caution must be exercised with selenium as too much can be toxic. For this reason, selenium is not recommended on nutritional balancing programs. However, sel­enium supplementation may be helpful for some illnesses such as malignancy and severe allergies. Selenium can also help remove mercury and cadmium from the body. In these instances, 200 to 400 mcg of selenium may be safely added to the nutritional balancing program.

Vitamin A And Beta-Carotene

Vitamin A is essential for the skin and mucus membranes and has been shown to enhance immune system activity. It is also necessary for night vision. Beta-carotene is a chemical pre­cursor to vitamin A that is converted to vitamin A in the body.

Many individuals take extra vitamin A or beta-carotene to prevent infections, for skin problems and for other immune system dys­func­tions.

Vitamin A has a mild sodium-lowering effect in the mineral balancing system. It is synergistic with zinc. Beta-carotene may not be converted to vitamin A in slow oxidizers. Therefore, vitamin A is best for slow oxidizers. Excessive vitamin A can be toxic, but 7500 mcg RAE (25,000 IU) daily is safe for most people. The recommended maximum prior to, or during early pregnancy is up to 2400 mcg RAE (8,000 IU) daily

Due to new FDA rules vitamin A is no longer measured by IU (International Units). The new vitamin A measurement is now ug, or mcg (micrograms) RAE (Retinol Activity Equivalents). To convert Vitamin A from IU's to ug, or mcg multiply number of IU's by 0.3 mcg RAE.

Vitamin D3

The major function of vitamin D3 is the maintenance of blood serum concentrations of calcium and phosphorus by enhancing absorption of these minerals in the small intestine. Vitamin D3 deficiency can lead to abnormalities in calcium and bone metabolism such as rickets in children or osteomalacia in adults. More recent research has linked adequate vitamin D3 to support for other health issues including: cardiovascular health, muscle aches, normal blood sugar levels, immunity, mood, mental health, gum health and skin health.

It is wise to consider oral vitamin D3 supplementation. Many vitamin D3 experts now agree that most adults, including pregnant women, require about 125 mcg (5,000 IU) of vitamin D3 daily for optimal. Do not go higher as you can overdose.

To convert vitamin D3 from IU's to ug, or mcg multiply number of IU's by 0.025.


With a few exceptions, such as vitamin D3, chromium, selenium, amino acids, omega oils and most herbal products and protein powders, the use of additional products that are not on one's recommended nutrition program are not recommended. Individual nutrients can have a significant effect upon the mineral balance and hence, upon the results of the suggested nutritional program.

Medications should not be discontinued when one begins a nutrition program. If symptoms improve, one should consult with the physician who prescribed the medication.

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This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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