
Vegetarian hair analysis patterns

Analytical Research Labs has performed hair tests on thousands of vegetarians. Among the com­mon vegetarian mineral patterns are slow oxidation. Slow oxidizers have more difficulty with fat digestion and often are unable to digest red meats. As the oxidation rate slows further, chicken and fish become more difficult to digest and one can become an obligatory vegetarian. One may feel that the decision to become a vegetarian is based on other considerations, but often a reduced desire for meats is an important, if unconscious factor.

Another common finding is a copper imbal­ance. Copper is frequently elevated, but in some cases the copper imbalance is hidden. Indicators of a hidden copper imbalance include, a low sod­ium/potassium ratio, high calcium levels, very low potassium levels, mercury toxicity, or a low zinc/cop­per ratio. One reason for the high copper levels in vegetarians is that vegetar­ian proteins are higher in copper, whereas meats contain more zinc, a copper antagonist.

Low zinc is common in the population, but is probably even more prevalent in vegetarians. Vegetarian foods are lower in zinc and higher in copper which antagonizes zinc. Zinc is as essen­tial mineral required for over 50 functions in the body. Low zinc levels can cause immune system problems and can affect the eyes, male reproduc­tive system, acid-base balance, digestion and many other functions.

Low phosphorus is seen more frequently among vegetarians. Phosphorus on the hair test is an indicator of protein synthesis. Low phosphorus is most commonly due to low protein intake, poor protein digestion and assimilation, or to zinc deficiency. Some vegetarians do not consume adequate protein, especially if the staple foods in the diet are grains, fruits and vegetables.

Another group of vegetarians eat adequate protein foods such as beans, seeds, nuts, cheese and eggs, but may not absorb and utilize these foods as well. If one's ancestors ate meats, one's body chemistry may be adapted to meat. Diges­tion of beans, seeds and nuts may not be adequate, especially if hydrochloric acid levels are low, as is frequently the case.

The foods highest in zinc are meats. Zinc is needed for the enzyme RNA transferase which is required for all protein synthesis. Low levels of zinc impair the activity of this enzyme and conse­quently protein synthesis is impaired and phos­phorus levels in the hair are low.

Should One Be A Vegetarian?

This question cannot be answered yes or no. Before answering let us discuss different kinds of vegetarian diets. The strictest vegetarians are those that avoid the use of eggs and cheese as well as all meats, poultry and fish. The strict vegetarian diet is the most likely to be deficient in certain elements such as zinc, B vitamins (espec­ially B12) and perhaps essential fatty acids. Although one may supplement these nutrients, our experience is that they may not be as well-absorbed from vegetarian sources. In our experi­ence, other subtle deficiencies may develop, perhaps related to nutrients that have yet to be isolated or carefully measured.

This is not to say that it is impossible to live healthfully on a strict vegetarian diet. But rather than our extensive experience indicates that it is difficult to do so for most people. The body has significant reserves and one may live for up to several years on a strict vegetarian regimen without feeling any negative effects. But often the effects will show up eventually and one may have difficulty reversing chronic deficiencies.

The vegetarian rhetoric can sound convincing and can lead one to believe that a strict vegetarian regimen provides adequate nutrition when it may not. In their zeal to promote vegetarian diets, few promoters mention, for example, that Dr. Weston Price, D.D.S., who studied the healthiest human populations around the world, wrote that he was unable to find a single totally vegetarian group among the healthiest tribes. Many tribes did not eat large quantities of animal food (often because it wasn't available), but they ate some as part of their regular diet.

Less strict vegetarian regimens provide more variety and some animal foods and are less likely to cause nutritional problems. For example, many slow oxidizers feel best when they avoid red meats. This is often best for slow oxidizers who have difficulty with the higher-fat meats and with proteins of higher specific dynamic action. We do recommend eating less meat to those who cannot digest it. But when the digestive capacity returns, due to a nutritional program, it is often wisest not to remain on a vegetarian regime.

Meat-Eating A Function Of Body Chemistry

A curious phenomenon that Dr. Eck discov­ered is that as one's oxidation rate increases, often the desire for meat increases. In other words, when the oxidation rate is very slow, some people are obligatory vegetarians, unable to digest meat. When these individuals follow a scientific nutri­tion program based on hair mineral analysis, the oxidation rate frequently increases, zinc increases and copper imbalance decreases. As this process occurs, often one develops a craving for animal products - first for fish, then chicken and finally red meats.

The cause for this change is an improvement in digestive capability and perhaps a greater need for animal fats contained in these foods. Although there are always exceptions, we have seen this phenomenon in many individuals and witnessed significant improvement in health status as animal proteins were reintroduced into the diet.

In summary, vegetarian diets may be appropri­ate for some people. However, one can do dam­age to the body particularly if strict vegetarian regimens are followed for long periods of time when they are not absolutely necessary. Our bodies are complex and many factors enter into our nutritional needs. No one wishes to inflict excessive cruelty on animals, but any simplistic method of recommending diets should be suspect.

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