Yeast Infections
Candida albicans is a common fungus or yeast organism. It is found on food and in the environment. Normally, it does not grow in our bodies. However, today, overgrowth of yeast is common. Hair mineral analysis can help understand the causes and how to correct candida albicans overgrowth.
Copper And Candida Infection
Copper imbalance is an important cause of candida albicans infection. Copper is a natural yeast fighter. Copper sulfate is sprayed on fruits and vegetables and added to water supplies to kill yeast.
In our bodies, copper enhances aerobic metabolism by its role in the electron transport system. Aerobic metabolism competes with the anaerobic metabolism of the yeast organism.
When copper is deficient or biologically unavailable, yeast will often proliferate. Special diets and yeast medications may control the problem, but a permanent solution may require an improvement of the copper balance.
Alkaline Body Chemistry
Another contributor to candida infection is an over-alkaline body chemistry. This can occur even if the diet contains acid-forming foods.
The blood is always slightly alkaline. However, excessive alkalinity enhances yeast growth. Lactobacillus acidophilus helps control yeast by acidifying the large intestine.
Slow oxidizers often have over-alkaline body chemistries. Slow oxidizers produce less acidic metabolic end-products because their rate of metabolism is slower. They also have excess calcium in the tissues, which neutralizes lactic acid to form more alkaline calcium lactate.
Low Energy And An Impaired Immune System
Adequate energy production in the cells maintains the oxidation rate and the acid-alkaline balance, prevents copper imbalance and keeps the immune system strong. Hair analysis patterns for low energy include an unbalanced oxidation rate, low sodium/potassium ratio and the presence of toxic metals such as cadmium.
Any factor that impairs the functioning of the immune system may contribute to a candida infection. This includes immune-suppressant drugs, chronic infections, steroids, fatigue, toxic metals and many nutrient deficiencies. Vitamins A, C and E, selenium, zinc and other nutrients are needed for the immune system.
Antibiotic And Steroid Therapy
The use of antibiotics and steroids such as cortisone enhances the tendency for chronic yeast infection. Some antibiotics kill the normal flora, including friendly bacteria in the intestines. Antibiotics may also alter copper metabolism and the activity of the liver and the immune system.
Therapy with cortisone, prednisone and other steroid drugs is known to increase yeast infections. These drugs impair the immune system and may alter copper metabolism.
Oxidation Rate And Candida
Copper imbalance is more common in slow oxidizers. They often have a copper imbalance, an over-alkaline body chemistry and a lower energy level.
Some fast oxidizers have a copper deficiency or a low sodium/potassium ratio. The latter is a trend for hidden copper imbalance.
Diet And Candida
Diet is an important factor in controlling yeast infection. The worst offender is sugar in any form, including fruit juice. Sugar directly feeds the candida. Some people also feel better avoiding all fermented and yeast-containing foods. These include wine, cheese, sauerkraut and yeasted breads. Fruit juices and some fruits also tend to be moldy and may aggravate the problem.
Healthful foods to combat candida include protein foods, all clean vegetables and good quality fats and oils. The anti-candida diet is a low carbohydrate diet with elimination of the sugars and other sweets.
Anti-Candida Products
In addition to a healthful diet and an individualized supplement program to correct copper imbalance, some people require anti-candida medication. Products include caprylic acid, tannic acid, grapefruit seed extract, colloidal silver, garlic, herbs such as lomatium and drugs including Nystatin, Nizoril and Diflucan.
Correcting the intestinal flora with a pro-biotic or acidophilus product is helpful. It is important when buying acidophilus that the product be fresh and of good quality. The bacteria must be live to be effective. It is best if the product is refrigerated at the store and at home, unless the product specifically does not require refrigeration.
There are many strains of intestinal bacteria available such as lactobacillus bulgaricus, bifidobacterium bifidum and streptococcus faecium. Some people find a combination product works better, although quality is the most important factor in an acidophilus product. It is fine to take large doses for best results.
Yogurt is also a source of friendly bacteria. The container must say 'live culture' on it. Plain yogurt is probably better than a sugared, flavored yogurt. Miso is a traditional Japanese soybean paste used as a soup base. It is available at most health food stores. Miso soup is another source of beneficial bacteria.
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